
Autopilot: fixed fee per car

Capacity highway: cost per user per month to access the marketplace + % on the transaction

Chiptuning Invoicing: % of factoring


Autopilot: fixed fee per car

Capacity highway: cost per user per month to access the marketplace + % on the transaction

Chiptuning Invoicing: % of factoring

The business model pays for itself

Pricing example

150 cars per month > 19 full trucks
2200€ average price per truck
5 transports booked on our capacity highway module


10€/car management fee

Module cost: 1500€

Capacity Highway

5 transports booked via the marketplace

Module cost with Autopilot: 550€
Without1 700€

Chiptuned Invoice

Total transportation spend of 41800€

Module cost: 1254€

Total all-in solution cost: 3304€